Results for 'Harish C. Joshi'

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  1.  24
    γ‐Tubulin: The hub of cellular microtubule assemblies.Harish C. Joshi - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (10):637-643.
    In eukaryotic cells a specialized organelle called the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) is responsible for disposition of microtubules in a radial, polarized array in interphase cells and in the spindle in mitotic cells. Eukaryotic cells across different species, and different cell types within single species, have morphologically diverse MTOCs, but these share a common function of organizing microtubule arrays. MTOCs effect microtubule organization by initiating microtubule assembly and anchoring microtubules by their slowly growing minus ends, thus ensuring that the rapidly (...)
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    Management of human resources and productivity.Harish C. Jain - 1983 - Journal of Business Ethics 2 (4):273 - 289.
    A model for effective management of human resources for organizational effectiveness is proposed. Several elements of this model are evaluated in the light of the failure of personnel and industrial relations policies of organizations in Canada. Suggestions are put forward to improve worker performance and job satisfaction as well as organizational growth and survival.
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    Melting criterion for cubic crystals on the basis of the anisotropic dispersive continuum model.K. C. Sharma & S. K. Joshi - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (125):881-885.
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    Thermal expansion of solids on the basis of anisotropic continuum dispersive model.K. C. Sharma & S. K. Joshi - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 9 (99):507-512.
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    Rat pups and random robots generate similar self-organized and intentional behavior.Christopher J. May, Jeffrey C. Schank, Sanjay Joshi, Jonathan Tran, R. J. Taylor & I.-Esha Scott - 2006 - Complexity 12 (1):53-66.
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    Ab-initiotheoretical analysis of thermal expansivity, thermal vibrations and melting of thorium.K. D. Joshi, S. C. Gupta & S. Banerjee - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (27):3145-3152.
  7. The debate on the ethics of AI in health care: a reconstruction and critical review.Jessica Morley, Caio C. V. Machado, Christopher Burr, Josh Cowls, Indra Joshi, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - manuscript
    Healthcare systems across the globe are struggling with increasing costs and worsening outcomes. This presents those responsible for overseeing healthcare with a challenge. Increasingly, policymakers, politicians, clinical entrepreneurs and computer and data scientists argue that a key part of the solution will be ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (AI) – particularly Machine Learning (ML). This argument stems not from the belief that all healthcare needs will soon be taken care of by “robot doctors.” Instead, it is an argument that rests on the classic (...)
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    Global effects in quaternionic quantum field theory.S. P. Brumby & G. C. Joshi - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (12):1591-1599.
    We present some striking global consequences of a model quaternionic quantum field theory which is locally complex. We show how making the quaternionic structure a dynamical quantity naturally leads to the prediction of cosmic strings and nonbaryonic hot dark matter candidates.
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    (1 other version)The extended siddha-principle.S. D. Joshi & Paul Kiparsky - unknown
    P¯an.ini’s grammar includes several types of metarules which determine how its operational rules apply. Among them are “traffic rules” which constrain how rules interact with each other in grammatical derivations. These are typically formulated as designating a rule or class of rules asiddha “not effected” (or asiddhavat “as if not effected”) with respect to another rule or class of rules. For economy, the rules so designated are grouped into several sections, whose headings collectively declare them to be asiddha(vat). The biggest (...)
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  10. On Raj Chandavarkar's The Origins of Industrial Capitalism in India: Business Strategies and the Working Classes in Bombay, 1900–1940 and Imperial Power and Popular Politics: Class, Resistance and the State in India, c. 1850–1950, Ian Kerr's Building the Railways of the Raj, Dilip Simeon's The Politics of Labour under Late Colonialism: Workers, Unions and the State in Chota Nagpur, 1928–1939, Janaki Nair's Miners and Millhands: Work, Culture and Politics in Princely Mysore and Chitra Joshi's Lost Worlds: Indian Labour and its Forgotten Histories. [REVIEW]Sumit Sarkar - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (3):285-313.
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  11. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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    Peirce and triadomania: a walk in the semiotic wilderness.C. W. Spinks - 1991 - New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
    Chapter One Triadomany defined You shall bind them in Three Classes; according to their Classes. William Blake, Milton In a manuscript of The Quest for ...
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  13. (1 other version)Strict Implication - An Emendation.C. I. Lewis - 1920 - Journal of Philosophy 17 (11):300.
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    Electrophysiological correlates of conscious vision: Evidence from unilateral extinction.C. Marzi, M. Girelli, Carlo Miniussi, N. Smania & Angelo Maravita - 2000 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 12 (5):869-877.
  15. What structuralism achieves.C. McLarty - 2008 - In Paolo Mancosu (ed.), The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 354--369.
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    'God, Man, and Nature' Neo-Aristotelian Naturalism in T.H. Green's Faith and Philosophy.C. Tyler - 2019 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 25 (1):45-73.
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    Wittgenstein, sources and perspectives.C. Grant Luckhardt (ed.) - 1979 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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    Inconsistent mathematics: Some philosophical implications.C. Mortensen - unknown
  19. Cerebral hemispheric mechanisms in the retrieval of ambiguous word meanings.C. Burgess & G. Simpson - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):338-338.
  20. Quantum Information in Relativity: The Challenge of QFT Measurements.C. Anastopoulos & N. Savvidou - 2022 - Entropy 24:4.
    Proposed quantum experiments in deep space will be able to explore quantum information issues in regimes where relativistic effects are important. In this essay, we argue that a proper extension of quantum information theory into the relativistic domain requires the expression of all informational notions in terms of quantum field theoretic (QFT) concepts. This task requires a working and practicable theory of QFT measurements. We present the foundational problems in constructing such a theory, especially in relation to longstanding causality and (...)
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    (1 other version)Esbozo de ontoepistemosemántica (sketch of ontoepistemosemantics).C. Ulises Moulines - 1998 - Theoria 13 (1):141-159.
    En este trabajo sc presenta un marco general en el que desarrollar una “ontoepistemo-semántica” para las teodas científicas y sus terminos característicos. En primer lugar, se defiende la esencialidad de los aspectos ontologicos y epistemológicos para la semantica y se hacen explícitos los principios generales que constituyen dicho marco. A continuación, se aplican estos principios al análisis ontoepistemosemántico de cada uno de los tres tipos principales de términos científicos: términos relacionales y funcionales con contenido empírico, términos matemáticos puros y términos (...)
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  22. The precritical use of the metaphor of epigenesis.C. Piché - 2001 - In Tom Rockmore (ed.), New essays on the precritical Kant. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books. pp. 182--200.
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  23. Hope theory: History and elaborated model (pp. 101-118).C. R. Snyder, J. Cheavens & S. T. Michael - 2005 - In J. Elliot (ed.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Hope. Nova Science Publishers.
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  24. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications), Volume VIII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This eighth volume of Collected Papers includes 75 papers comprising 973 pages on (theoretic and applied) neutrosophics, written between 2010-2022 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 102 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 24 countries: Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abduallah Gamal, Firoz Ahmad, Ahmad Yusuf Adhami, Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, Ali Hassan, Mumtaz Ali, Akbar Rezaei, Assia Bakali, Ayoub Bahnasse, Azeddine Elhassouny, Durga Banerjee, Romualdas Bausys, Mircea Boșcoianu, Traian Alexandru Buda, Bui Cong Cuong, Emilia Calefariu, Ahmet Çevik, Chang Su Kim, Victor (...)
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  25. Computational Number Theory.C. Pomerance - 2008 - In T. Gowers (ed.), Princeton Companion to Mathematics. Princeton University Press. pp. 348--362.
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    Changing concepts of the precentral motor area.C. G. Phillips - 1966 - In John C. Eccles (ed.), Brain and Conscious Experience: Study Week September 28 to October 4, 1964, of the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum. New York,: Springer. pp. 389--421.
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    The Novel Ağrıdağı Efsanesi in Terms of ‘Epic Laws by Axel Olrik’ and ‘Hero Pattern by Lord Raglan’.Mahfuz Zari̇ç - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:3337-3349.
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  28. The Tao Encounters in the West (AT Nuyen).C. Li - 2000 - Asian Philosophy 10 (2):172-175.
  29. The Unity of the Phaedrus: A Reply to Heath.”.C. J. Rowe - 1989 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 7:175-88.
  30. Leonardiana.C. A. - 1954 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 16 (3):386-397.
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    Ephemeral architectures: towards a process architecture.C. Anderson - unknown
    This PhD responds to a two fold problem with the philosophy of design and the practice of design. The philosophical problem is stated as the discrepancy between a dominant philosophical framework that orders the world according to eternal essences and the actual conditions of the world in which we exist: the conditions of becoming and of flux. Commencing with a critique of the western metaphysical tradition of statics this research project proposes that we need to find a way of describing (...)
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  32. Gödel's 'proof' for the existence of God.C. Anthony Anderson - 2015 - In Snezana Lawrence & Mark McCartney (eds.), Mathematicians and Their Gods: Interactions Between Mathematics and Religious Beliefs. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
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  33. Irvine, California March 30–April 2, 1995.C. A. Anderson, S. Buss, M. Foreman & C. Laskowski - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (3).
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  34. Introduction : common sense in the Scottish Enlightenment.C. B. Bow - 2018 - In Charles Bradford Bow (ed.), Common Sense in the Scottish Enlightenment. [Oxford, United Kingdom]: Oxford University Press.
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    Science and the Revenge of Nature: Marcuse and Habermas.C. Fred Alford - 1985 - University Press of Florida.
  36. Letters to Doubting Thomas: A Case for the Existence of God.C. Stephen Layman - 2007 - Ars Disputandi 7:1566-5399.
    Letters to Doubting Thomas is an exchange of letters between two characters on the existence of God; it provides a cumulative case for Theism (the belief that God exists). Chapter by chapter, theism is compared with Naturalism (roughly, the view that there is no God and that ultimate reality is physical reality), concluding that Theism (on balance) provides a better explanation of the world and human life than does Naturalism.
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  37. Richard of St. Victor and the medieval sublime.C. Stephen Jaeger - 2010 - In Magnificence and the sublime in Medieval aesthetics: art, architecture, literature, music. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Ratthabān lōk.Prēmsak Čhīraphǣt - 1999 - Krung Thēp: Čhatčhamnāi dōi Khlet Thai.
    On new world order, internationalism, politics, and economic integration.
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  39. Involuntary capture of spatial attention is contingent on control settings.C. L. Folk, J. C. Johnston & R. W. Remington - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):514-514.
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  40. Governing Labour: the Employment Relationship as a Privileged Terrain for Liberal Governmentality.C. Frade - forthcoming - Theory and Society.
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  41. Zu Heideggers Wahrheitsbegriff.C. F. Gethmann - 1974 - Kant Studien 65 (2):186.
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    Cognitivism și reprezentaționalism: filosofia analitică a lui Arthur C. Danto.Gabriel C. Gherasim - 2012 - Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană.
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    Thetis and Cheiron in Thessaly.C. D. Graninger - 2009 - Kernos 22:83-108.
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  44. A Social Contract Conception of the Tort Law of Accidents.C. Gregory - 2001 - In Gerald J. Postema (ed.), Philosophy and the Law of Torts. Cambridge University Press. pp. 22.
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  45. The Problem of Human Unity and Contemporary Humanism.C. I. Gulian - 1974 - In Aurobindo Ghose, Srinivasa Iyengar & R. K. (eds.), Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press. pp. 254.
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  46. Rimbaud.C. A. HACKETT - 1958
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  47. A Naturalist Realism in Nouvelles tendances du réalisme: la perspective australienne.C. A. Hooker - 1987 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 41 (160):5-28.
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  48. Der methodologische Transzendentalismus der Phänomenologie Ldszlö Tengelyi (Wuppertal) tengelyi@ uni-wuppertal. de.C. Iernj - 2010 - In Carlo Ierna, Filip Mattens & Hanne Jacobs (eds.), Philosophy, Phenomenology, Sciences. Essays in Commemoration of Edmund Husserl. New York: Springer. pp. 135.
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  49. Love and damnation.C. P. Ragland - 2009 - In Kevin Timpe (ed.), Metaphysics and God: Essays in Honor of Eleonore Stump. New York: Routledge.
  50. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy Vol. Viii.C. C. W. Taylor (ed.) - 1995 - Oxford, Oup.
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